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Senate Concurrent Resolutions (2023)

  • Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 103
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Legislative Findings and Approving Fee Rules of the Department of Agriculture, the Idaho Sheep and Goat Health Board, and the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses Reviewed by the Senate Agricultural Affairs Committee and House Agricultural Affairs Committee.

  • Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 107
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule of the State Board of Education Relating to Registration of Postsecondary Educational Institutions and Proprietary Schools.

  • Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 108
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Legislative Findings and Approving Fee Rules of the Department of Fish and Game, the Department of Lands, and the Idaho Department of Water Resources/Idaho Water Resource Board Reviewed by the Senate Resources and Environment Committee and the House Resources and Conservation Committee with an Exception.

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Phone: (208) 334-3900