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Senate Concurrent Resolution (2012)

  • Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 114
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting Certain Rules of The Department of Health and Welfare
    Relating to Medicaid Enhanced Plan Benefits

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 115
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule of The Bureau of Occupational Licenses Relating to Rules of The Board of Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 117
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting a Certain Rule of The Department of Agriculture
    Relating to Rules Governing The Importation of Animals

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 118
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule Docket of The Division of Building Safety Relating to Rules Governing The Use of National Electrical Code

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 119
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting a Certain Rule of The Department of Administration
    Relating to Rules Governing Group Insurance

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 121
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule Docket of The Idaho Fish and Game
    Commission Relating to Rules Governing Licensing

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 122
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of The Legislature and Rejecting Certain Rules of The Idaho State Police
    Relating to Rules of The Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training Council

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 128
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Legislative Findings and Approving Administrative Rules That Impose A Fee or Charge, With Stated Exceptions, and Rejecting Agency Rules That Impose A Fee or Charge That Are Not Approved By This or By Separate Concurrent Resolution

    Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 129
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Legislative Findings and Approving and Extending Temporary Rules Reviewed By The Legislature, With Stated Exceptions

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