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Executive Orders of the Governor -
2013 Archive

  • Executive Order No. 2012-01 - Establishing the Governor’s Leadership In Nuclear Energy (LINE) Commission
  • Executive Order No. 2012-02 - Establishing The Governor's Sage-Grouse Task Force
  • Executive Order No. 2012-03 - Governor's Task Force for Children At Risk
  • Executive Order No. 2012-04 - Establishing the Workforce Development Council for Planning and Oversight of the State’s Workforce Development System
  • Executive Order No. 2012-05 (Repealed) - Creating the Board of Juvenile Corrections and Designating It as the Primary Advisory Body for the Governor and the Director of the Department of Juvenile Corrections On Matters Pertaining to Juvenile Corrections
  • Executive Order No. 2012-06 - Creating the Board of Juvenile Corrections and Designating It as the Primary Advisory Body for the Governor and the Director of the Department of Juvenile Corrections On Matters Pertaining to Juvenile Corrections Repealing and Replacing Executive Order 2012-05
  • Executive Order No. 2012-07 - Establishing the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Idaho Council
  • Executive Order No. 2012-08 - Continuing the Office of Energy Resources Within the Office of the Governor
    Repealing and Replacing Executive Order 2011-14
  • Executive Order No. 2012-09 - Allocating Volume Cap for Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds in Idaho Consistent With the Provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
  • Executive Order No. 2013-01 - Continuing the Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance Repealing and Replacing Executive Order 2009-05

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