Idaho Administrative Code 2006 Archive
Alphabetical Index of the State Agencies and IDAPA Designations. The agency rules are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Please see our page about PDFs for links to reader software download sites and trouble shooting tips.
- Accountancy, Board of (01)
- Administration, Department of (38)
- Administrative Rules Coordinator, Office of the (44)
- Agriculture, Department of (02)
- Arts, Idaho Commission of the (40)
- Athletic Commission (03)
- Attorney General (04)
- Barley Commission, Idaho (53)
- Beef Council, Idaho (51)
- Building Safety, Division of (07)
- Canola and Rapeseed Commission (43)
- Commerce & Labor, Department of (09)
- Correction, Department of (06)
- Dentistry, Board of (19)
- Education, Board of (08)
- Engineers & Land Surveyors, Idaho Board of Registration of Professional (10)
- Environmental Quality, Department Of (58)
- Finance, Department of (12)
- Fish and Game, Department of (13)
- Geologists, Professional, Board of Registration, (14)
- Governor, Office of (15)
- Health Districts, Public (41)
- Health and Welfare, Department of (16)
- Human Rights Commission (45)
- Idaho State Police (11)
- Industrial Commission (17)
- Insurance, Department of (18)
- Juvenile Corrections, Department of (05)
- Lands, Department of (20)
- Library, Idaho State (30)
- Lottery Commission, Idaho State (52)
- Medicine, Board of (22)
- Nursing, Board of (23)
- Occupational Licenses, Bureau of (24)
- Board of Architectural Examiners (24.01.01)
- Board of Barber Examiners (24.02.02)
- Board of Chiropractic Physicians (24.03.01)
- Board of Cosmetology (24.04.01)
- Board of Landscape Architects (24.07.01)
- Board of Morticians (24.08.01)
- Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators (24.09.01)
- Board of Optometry (24.10.01)
- Board of Podiatry (24.11.01)
- Board of Psychologist Examiners (24.12.01)
- Board of Social Work Examiners (24.04.01)
- Idaho Licensing Board Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists (24.15.01)
- Board of Denturity (24.16.01)
- Board of Acupuncture (24.17.01)
- Real Estate Appraiser Board (24.18.01)
- Board of Residential Care Facility Administrators (24.19.01)
- Board of Occupational Licenses (24.20.01)
- Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board (25)
- Pardons and Parole, Commission for (50)
- Parks and Recreation, Department of (26)
- PERSI (Public Employees Retirement System of Idaho) (59)
- Pharmacy, Board of (27)
- Potato Commission, Idaho (29)
- Professional - Technical Education, Division of (55)
- Public Utilities Commission (31)
- Rangeland Resource Commission (56)
- Real Estate Commission (33)
- Secretary of State (34)
- Sexual Offender Classification Board (57)
- Shorthand Reporters, Board of Certified (49)
- Tax Appeals, Idaho Board of (36)
- Tax Commission, State (35)
- Transportation, Department of (39)
- Treasurer, State, Office of (54)
- Veterans Services, Division of (21)
- Veterinary Medical Examiners, Board of (46)
- Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of(47)
- Water Resources, Department of (37)
- Wheat Commission, Idaho (42)